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""" Exercicio 09.
Analise e execute o programa dates.py. Faça as correçoes indicadas abaixo.
a. A funçao isLeapYear deveria indicar quando um ano é bissexto, mas esta errada.
Corrija-a. Um ano e bissexto se for multiplo de 4, com exceçao dos fins de seculo
(multiplos de 100), que so sao bissextos se forem multiplos de 400. Por exemplo:
1980, 1984, 2004 foram bissextos; 1800 e 1900 foram anos comuns, mas 2000 foi bissexto.
b. A funçao monthDays, para determinar o numero de dias de um mes, tambem esta errada.
Quando o mes e fevereiro, invoque a funçao anterior para determinar se o ano e
bissexto e devolva 29 dias nesse caso.
c. Corrija a funçao nextDay para devolver o dia seguinte corretamente.
# This function checks if year is a leap year.
# It is wrong: 1900 was a common year!
from operator import contains
def isLeapYear(year):
if year % 100 == 0:
return year % 400 == 0
return year%4 == 0
# This function has a semantic error: February in a leap year should return 29!
# Correct it.
def monthDays(year, month):
MONTHDAYS = (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
# This tuple contains the days in each month (on a common year).
# For example: MONTHDAYS[3] is the number of days in March.
days = MONTHDAYS[month]
if isLeapYear(year) and month == 2:
days += 1
return days
# This is wrong, too.
def nextDay(year, month, day):
months31 = (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10)
months30 = (4, 6, 9, 11)
if (month, day) == (12, 31):
year += 1
month = 1
day = 1
elif contains(months31, month) and day == 31:
month += 1
day = 1
elif contains(months30, month) and day == 30:
month += 1
day = 1
elif month == 2 and day >= 28:
if isLeapYear(year) and day == 29:
day = 1
month += 1
if not isLeapYear(year) and day == 28:
day = 1
month += 1
day += 1
return year, month, day
# This is the main function
def main():
print("Was", 2017, "a leap year?", isLeapYear(2017)) # False?
print("Was", 2016, "a leap year?", isLeapYear(2016)) # True?
print("Was", 2000, "a leap year?", isLeapYear(2000)) # True?
print("Was", 1900, "a leap year?", isLeapYear(1900)) # False?
print("January 2017 had", monthDays(2017, 1), "days") # 31?
print("February 2017 had", monthDays(2017, 2), "days") # 28?
print("February 2016 had", monthDays(2016, 2), "days") # 29?
print("February 2000 had", monthDays(2000, 2), "days") # 29?
print("February 1900 had", monthDays(1900, 2), "days") # 28?
y, m, d = nextDay(2017, 1, 30)
print(y, m, d) # 2017 1 31 ?
y, m, d = nextDay(2017, 1, 31)
print(y, m, d) # 2017 2 1 ?
y, m, d = nextDay(2017, 2, 28)
print(y, m, d) # 2017 3 1 ?
y, m, d = nextDay(2016, 2, 29)
print(y, m, d) # 2016 3 1 ?
y, m, d = nextDay(2017, 12, 31)
print(y, m, d) # 2018 1 1 ?
# call the main function