Disclaimer ============================ ### The credits for this sheet goes to [LKS90](https://gist.github.com/LKS90). I just made a few changes! ##### [Original](https://gist.github.com/LKS90/252ac41bd4a173be35b0) --- Example expressions / functions ============================ Input | Rendered | -----------------:|----------------:| `$a = b + c − d$` | $a = b + c − d$ | `$\sqrt{?\frac{\pi}{2}}$` | $\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}$ | `$y = a x_1^2 + b x_2 + c$` | $y = a x_1^2 + b x_2 + c$ | Special characters / Symbols ============================ ### Latin: ##### No dot: `\imath` $\rightarrow$ $\imath$, `\jmath` $\rightarrow$ $\jmath$ ##### Hat: `\hat{\imath}` $\rightarrow$ $\hat{\imath}$, `\hat{\jmath}` $\rightarrow$ $\hat{\jmath}$ ### Greek Letters: ##### Capital: LaTex | | LaTex | | ----------:|--:|---------:|--:| `\Gamma` | Γ | `\Delta` | ∆ | `\Lambda` | Λ | `\Phi` | Φ | `\Pi` | Π | `\Psi` | Ψ | `\Sigma` | Σ | `\Theta` | Θ | `\Upsilon` | Υ | `\Xi` | Ξ | `\Omega` | Ω | | | ##### Lowercase: LaTex | | LaTex | | ----------:|--:|----------:|--:| `\alpha` | α | `\nu` | ν | `\beta` | β | `\kappa` | κ | `\gamma` | γ | `\lambda` | λ | `\delta` | δ | `\mu` | µ | `\epsilon` | ϵ | `\zeta` | ζ | `\eta` | η | `\theta` | θ | `\iota` | ι | `\xi` | ξ | `\pi` | π | `\rho` | ρ | `\sigma` | σ | `\tau` | τ | `\upsilon` | υ | `\phi` | φ | `\chi` | χ | `\psi` | ψ | `\omega` | ω | | | ##### Other: LaTex | | LaTex | | -----------:|---|------------:|--:| `\digamma` | ϝ | `varepsilon`| ε | `\varkappa` | ϰ | `\varphi` | ϕ | `\varpi` | ϖ | `\varrho` | ϱ | `\varsigma` | ς | `\vartheta` | ϑ | `\eth` | ð | `\hbar` | $\hbar$ | ### Other: #### Other Symbols LaTex | | LaTex | | -------------:|---|-----------------:|--:| `\partial` | ∂ | `\infty` | ∞ | `\wedge` | ∧ | `\vee` | ∨ | `\neg` `\not` | ¬ | | | `\bot` | ⊥ | `\top` | ⊤ | `\nabla` | ∇ | `\varnothing` | ∅ | `\angle` | ∠ | `\measuredangle` | ∡ | `\surd` | √ | `\forall` | ∀ | `\exists` | ∃ | `\nexists` | ∄ | #### Relational Symbols LaTex | | LaTex | | -----------------:|---|-------------------:|---------:| `\hookrightarrow` | ↪ | `\Rightarrow` | ⇒ | `\rightarrow` | → | `\Leftrightarrow` | ⇔ | `\nrightarrow` | ↛ | `\mapsto` | $\mapsto$ | `\geq` | ≥ | `\leq` | ≤ | `\equiv` | ≡ | `\sim` | ∼ | `\gg` | ≫ | `\ll` | ≪ | `\subset` | ⊂ | `\subseteq` | ⊆ | `\in` | ∈ | `\notin` | ∉ | `\mid` | $\mid$ | `\propto` | ∝ | `\perp` | ⊥ | ` \parallel` | ∥ | `\vartriangle` | $\vartriangle$ #### Binary operators LaTex | | LaTex | | ------------:|---|-------:|--:| `\wedge` | ∧ | `\vee` | ∨ | `\neg``\not` | ¬ | | | #### Cumulative operators LaTex | | LaTex | | ---------:|-----------|------------:|------------:| `\int` | ∫ | `\iint` | $\iint$ | `\iiint` | $\iiint$ | `\idotsint` | $\idotsint$ | `\prod` | $\prod$ | `\sum` | $\sum$ | `\bigcup` | $\bigcup$ | `\bigcap` | $\bigcap$ | #### Named operators |LaTex||LaTex|| |--------:|---------|---------:|----------| |`\arccos`|$\arccos$|`\injlim` |$\injlim$ | |`\arcsin`|$\arcsin$|`\lg` |$\lg$ | |`\arctan`|$\arctan$|`\lim` |$\lim$ | |`\arg` |$\arg$ |`\liminf` |$\liminf$ | |`\cos` |$\cos$ |`\limsup` |$\limsup$ | |`\cosh` |$\cosh$ |`\ln` |$\ln$ | |`\cot` |$\cot$ |`\log` |$\log$ | |`\coth` |$\coth$ |`\max` |$\max$ | |`\deg` |$\deg$ |`\min` |$\min$ | |`\det` |$\det$ |`\Pr` |$\Pr$ | |`\dim` |$\dim$ |`\projlim`|$\projlim$| |`\exp` |$\exp$ |`\sec` |$\sec$ | |`\gcd` |$\gcd$ |`\sin` |$\sin$ | |`\hom` |$\hom$ |`\sinh` |$\sinh$ | |`\inf` |$\inf$ |`\sup` |$\sup$ |