// // Tomás Oliveira e Silva, AED, October 2021 // // explain the program output // // try also compiling the program with the -Wsign-compare compilation flag // #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> int main(void) { unsigned int i = 1; int j = -1; int k = -2147483648; printf("original i = %u\n",i); printf("original j = %d\n",j); printf("original k = %d\n",k); // compare i with j if((int)i > (int)j) printf("i > j is true\n"); else printf("i > j is false\n"); // replace k by its absolute value and print the result if(k > 0) { k = -k; } printf("absolute value of k = %d\n",k); printf("min integer:%d\nmax integer:%d\n", INT_MIN, INT_MAX); return 0; }