library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity Bin7SegDecoder is
	port(enable		: in  std_logic;
		 binInput	: in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
		 decOut_n	: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
end Bin7SegDecoder;

architecture RTL of Bin7SegDecoder is

	signal s_decOut_n : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

	with binInput select
		s_decOut_n <= "1111001" when "0001",   --1
						  "0100100" when "0010",   --2
						  "0110000" when "0011",   --3
						  "0011001" when "0100",   --4
						  "0010010" when "0101",   --5
						  "0000010" when "0110",   --6
						  "1111000" when "0111",   --7
						  "0000000" when "1000",   --8
						  "0010000" when "1001",   --9
						  "0001000" when "1010",   --A
						  "0000011" when "1011",   --b
						  "1000110" when "1100",   --C
						  "0100001" when "1101",   --d
						  "0000110" when "1110",   --E
						  "0001110" when "1111",   --F
						  "1000000" when others;   --0

	decOut_n <= s_decOut_n when (enable = '1') else
end RTL;