-- Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions -- and other software and tools, and any partner logic -- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing -- (including device programming or simulation files), and any -- associated documentation or information are expressly subject -- to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License -- Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, -- the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license -- agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for -- the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by -- Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please -- refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at -- https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula. -- ***************************************************************************** -- This file contains a Vhdl test bench with test vectors .The test vectors -- are exported from a vector file in the Quartus Waveform Editor and apply to -- the top level entity of the current Quartus project .The user can use this -- testbench to simulate his design using a third-party simulation tool . -- ***************************************************************************** -- Generated on "03/15/2023 10:57:35" -- Vhdl Test Bench(with test vectors) for design : FlipFlopD -- -- Simulation tool : 3rd Party -- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY FlipFlopD_vhd_vec_tst IS END FlipFlopD_vhd_vec_tst; ARCHITECTURE FlipFlopD_arch OF FlipFlopD_vhd_vec_tst IS -- constants -- signals SIGNAL clk : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL d : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL q : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL rst : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL set : STD_LOGIC; COMPONENT FlipFlopD PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC; d : IN STD_LOGIC; q : OUT STD_LOGIC; rst : IN STD_LOGIC; set : IN STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; BEGIN i1 : FlipFlopD PORT MAP ( -- list connections between master ports and signals clk => clk, d => d, q => q, rst => rst, set => set ); -- clk t_prcs_clk: PROCESS BEGIN LOOP clk <= '0'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; clk <= '1'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; IF (NOW >= 1000000 ps) THEN WAIT; END IF; END LOOP; END PROCESS t_prcs_clk; -- rst t_prcs_rst: PROCESS BEGIN rst <= '0'; WAIT FOR 50000 ps; rst <= '1'; WAIT FOR 70000 ps; rst <= '0'; WAIT FOR 310000 ps; rst <= '1'; WAIT FOR 120000 ps; rst <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_rst; -- set t_prcs_set: PROCESS BEGIN set <= '0'; WAIT FOR 200000 ps; set <= '1'; WAIT FOR 90000 ps; set <= '0'; WAIT FOR 140000 ps; set <= '1'; WAIT FOR 120000 ps; set <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_set; -- d t_prcs_d: PROCESS BEGIN d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 15000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 20000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 30000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '1'; WAIT FOR 10000 ps; d <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; 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