""" This code is in no way optimal. A lot could be upgraded here. """ def main(): budget = 0 journeys = {} get_journeys(journeys, 'Jornadas.csv') get_user_input(journeys, budget) def get_user_input(journeys: dict, budget: int) -> None: while True: journey_input = input('Jornada? ') if journey_input in journeys: break elif journey_input == '0': print(f"Saldo: {budget:.2f} euro") exit(0) else: print('Jornada inválida') match_id = 1 true_bet_count = [0,0] with open(f'apostas_jornadas/jornada{journey_input}.csv', 'w') as f: for match in journeys[journey_input]: while True: bet = input(f"{match_id} {match[0]} vs {match[1]}: ").upper() if bet in ['1', 'X', '2', '1X', 'X2', '12', '1X2']: f.write(f"{match_id},{bet}\n") match_id += 1 if len(bet) != 1: true_bet_count[len(bet)-2] += 1 break else: print('Aposta inválida') budget -= 0.4 * (2**true_bet_count[0] * 3**true_bet_count[1]) print_results(journeys, int(journey_input), budget) def print_results(journeys: dict, journey: int, budget: int) -> None: with open(f'apostas_jornadas/jornada{journey}.csv', 'r') as f: bets = f.readlines() bets = [bet.strip().split(',') for bet in bets] bets = {bet[0]: bet[1] for bet in bets} with open('Jogos.csv', 'r') as f: games = f.readlines() print('Jornada', journey) line_id = 1 right_bets_count = 0 for match in journeys[str(journey)]: for game in games: game = game.strip().split(',') if game[1] == match[0] and game[2] == match[1]: bet = bets[str(journeys[str(journey)].index(match)+1)] result = 'CERTO' if ( ('1' in bet and game[3] > game[4]) or ('X' in bet and game[3] == game[4]) or ('2' in bet and game[3] < game[4]) ) else 'ERRADO' if result == 'CERTO': right_bets_count += 1 print(f'{line_id} {match[0]:>30} {game[3]}-{game[4]} {match[1]:<30}: {bet:<5} ({result})') line_id += 1 if right_bets_count < 7: price = 0 elif right_bets_count < 8: price = 100 elif right_bets_count < 9: price = 1000 else: price = 5000 print(f"TEM {right_bets_count} CERTAS. {'SEM PRÉMIO' if right_bets_count < 7 else ('3º PRÉMIO' if right_bets_count < 8 else ('2º PRÉMIO' if right_bets_count < 9 else '1º PRÉMIO'))}") budget += price get_user_input(journeys, budget) def get_journeys(journeys: dict, fname: str) -> None: with open(fname, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() line_components = line.split(',') if line_components[0] in journeys: journeys[line_components[0]] += [(line_components[1], line_components[2])] else: journeys[line_components[0]] = [(line_components[1], line_components[2])] if __name__ == "__main__": main()