// Copyright (C) 2020  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
// and other software and tools, and any partner logic 
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License 
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// the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
// agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
// the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
// Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
// refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
// https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/eula.

// Device: Altera EP4CE6E22C6 Package TQFP144

// This file contains Slow Corner delays for the design using part EP4CE6E22C6,
// with speed grade 6, core voltage 1.2VmV, and temperature 85 Celsius

// This SDF file should be used for ModelSim-Altera (VHDL) only

  (SDFVERSION "2.1")
  (DESIGN "Dec2_4")
  (DATE "11/04/2022 15:08:53")
  (VENDOR "Altera")
  (PROGRAM "Quartus Prime")
  (VERSION "Version 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition")
  (TIMESCALE 1 ps)

    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
    (INSTANCE \\Y3\~output\\)
        (PORT i (1004:1004:1004) (1006:1006:1006))
        (IOPATH i o (2533:2533:2533) (2516:2516:2516))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
    (INSTANCE \\Y2\~output\\)
        (PORT i (991:991:991) (1012:1012:1012))
        (IOPATH i o (2533:2533:2533) (2516:2516:2516))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
    (INSTANCE \\Y1\~output\\)
        (PORT i (661:661:661) (653:653:653))
        (IOPATH i o (2627:2627:2627) (2603:2603:2603))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_obuf")
    (INSTANCE \\Y0\~output\\)
        (PORT i (991:991:991) (984:984:984))
        (IOPATH i o (2533:2533:2533) (2516:2516:2516))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
    (INSTANCE \\E1\~input\\)
        (IOPATH i o (596:596:596) (761:761:761))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
    (INSTANCE \\X1\~input\\)
        (IOPATH i o (596:596:596) (761:761:761))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
    (INSTANCE \\X0\~input\\)
        (IOPATH i o (596:596:596) (761:761:761))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_io_ibuf")
    (INSTANCE \\E0L\~input\\)
        (IOPATH i o (596:596:596) (761:761:761))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
    (INSTANCE inst)
        (PORT dataa (882:882:882) (893:893:893))
        (PORT datab (3049:3049:3049) (3301:3301:3301))
        (PORT datac (803:803:803) (816:816:816))
        (PORT datad (3063:3063:3063) (3333:3333:3333))
        (IOPATH dataa combout (354:354:354) (349:349:349))
        (IOPATH datab combout (381:381:381) (380:380:380))
        (IOPATH datac combout (241:241:241) (241:241:241))
        (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
    (INSTANCE inst1)
        (PORT dataa (879:879:879) (890:890:890))
        (PORT datab (3049:3049:3049) (3305:3305:3305))
        (PORT datac (806:806:806) (817:817:817))
        (PORT datad (3063:3063:3063) (3336:3336:3336))
        (IOPATH dataa combout (341:341:341) (319:319:319))
        (IOPATH datab combout (365:365:365) (373:373:373))
        (IOPATH datac combout (243:243:243) (241:241:241))
        (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
    (INSTANCE inst2)
        (PORT dataa (889:889:889) (899:899:899))
        (PORT datab (3049:3049:3049) (3301:3301:3301))
        (PORT datac (801:801:801) (812:812:812))
        (PORT datad (3061:3061:3061) (3332:3332:3332))
        (IOPATH dataa combout (339:339:339) (367:367:367))
        (IOPATH datab combout (344:344:344) (369:369:369))
        (IOPATH datac combout (241:241:241) (241:241:241))
        (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))
    (CELLTYPE "cycloneive_lcell_comb")
    (INSTANCE inst3)
        (PORT dataa (890:890:890) (900:900:900))
        (PORT datab (3049:3049:3049) (3301:3301:3301))
        (PORT datac (801:801:801) (811:811:811))
        (PORT datad (3061:3061:3061) (3332:3332:3332))
        (IOPATH dataa combout (327:327:327) (347:347:347))
        (IOPATH datab combout (331:331:331) (342:342:342))
        (IOPATH datac combout (243:243:243) (241:241:241))
        (IOPATH datad combout (130:130:130) (120:120:120))