# This function computes the body mass index (BMI), # given the height (in meter) and weight (in kg) of a person. def bodyMassIndex(height, weight): # Complete the function definition... bmi = weight / height ** 2 return bmi # This function returns the BMI category acording to this table: # BMI: <18.5 [18.5, 25[ [25, 30[ 30 or greater # Category: Underweight Normal weight Overweight Obesity def bmiCategory(bmi): assert bmi > 0 # Complete the function definition... if bmi < 18.5: return 'Underweight' elif bmi < 25: return 'Normal weight' elif bmi < 30: return 'Overweight' else: return 'Obesity' # This is the main function def main(): print("Índice de Massa Corporal") altura = float(input("Altura (m)? ")) if altura < 0: print("ERRO: altura inválida!") exit(1) peso = float(input("Peso (kg)? ")) if peso < 0: print("ERRO: peso inválido!") exit(1) # Complete the function calls... imc = bodyMassIndex(altura, peso) cat = bmiCategory(imc) print("BMI: {:.2f} kg/m2".format(imc)) print("BMI category:", cat) # Program starts executing here if __name__ == "__main__": main()