# Handles the arguments # git-safe-push <remote (default="origin")> <branch (default=\"temp\")> <-n|-e> if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then remote="origin" branch="temp" branch_option="-n" elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then remote=$1 branch="temp" branch_option="-n" elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then remote=$1 branch=$2 branch_option="-n" elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then remote=$1 branch=$2 branch_option=$3 else echo "Usage: git-safe-push <remote (default=\"origin\")> <branch (default=\"temp\")> <-n/-e>" exit fi if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null; then if git ls-remote --exit-code "$remote" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then # Rebases the repository git config pull.rebase true git pull remote_link=$(git remote get-url "$remote") link=${remote_link%.git} if [ "$branch_option" = "-n" ]; then # Checks if branch exists in the remote printf "\nChecking for %s...\n\n" "$branch" exists_in_remote=$(git ls-remote --heads "$remote" "$branch") # If the branch does not exist if [ -z "$exists_in_remote" ]; then # Creates the branch, pushes it and deletes the branch locally git branch "$branch" git push "$remote" "$branch" git branch -d "$branch" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null # Prints output message printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Branch does not yet exist, pushed to %s/%s...\n\n You can now create a pull request at:\n > %s/compare/%s\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" "$remote" "$branch" "$link" "$branch" else # Makes sure to get a free indexed temporary branch for i in $(seq 1 100) ; do # Checks if branch exists in the remote printf "Checking for %s...\n" "$branch$i" exists_in_remote=$(git ls-remote --heads "$remote" "$branch$i") # If the branch does not exist if [ -z "$exists_in_remote" ]; then # Creates the branch, pushes it and deletes the branch locally git branch "$branch$i" git push "$remote" "$branch$i" git branch -d "$branch$i" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null break else printf "Branch already exists, trying again...\n\n" fi done # Prints output message printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Branch does not yet exist, pushed to %s/%s...\n\n You can now create a pull request at:\n > %s/compare/%s\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" "$remote" "$branch$i" "$link" "$branch$i" fi else # Checks if branch exists in the remote printf "\nChecking for %s...\n" "$branch" exists_in_remote=$(git ls-remote --heads "$remote" "$branch") # If the branch does not exist if [ -z "$exists_in_remote" ]; then printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Branch does not exist, aborting...\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" exit fi # Creates the branch, pushes it and deletes the branch locally git branch "$branch" result=$(git push "$remote" "$branch") if ! echo "$result" | grep -q "Everything up-to-date"; then git branch -d "$branch" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Branch is up-to-date, aborting...\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" exit elif ! echo "$result" | grep -q "To $remote.git"; then git branch -d "$branch" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Pushed to %s/%s...\n\n You can now create a pull request at:\n > %s/compare/%s\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" "$remote" "$branch" "$link" "$branch" else git branch -d "$branch" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null printf "\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n Failed to push to %s/%s, aborting...\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" "$remote" "$branch" exit fi fi else printf "\nRemote %s is unreachable for this repository.\nIf you pretend to use a different remote name specify it using: git-safe-push <remote>\nIf this is the correct name, check if the current remote url is correct.\n" "$remote" fi else printf "You are currently not in a git repository." fi