Client topic

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JoaoBastos023 2024-12-29 21:25:56 +00:00
parent 1cf6dbebbd
commit 3a54da0e8e
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -219,3 +219,39 @@ a| * `Authorization: token`
=== Client Interaction
For the client, each command is executed via terminal and it is used multiple tools with specific functionalities:
* Argparse footnote:[] → Check for errors in arguments given by the user.
* Logging footnote:[] → Logging system to send out messages such as errors.
* OS footnote:[] → Add path to local folder `~/.sio` to save or load any files used by the current command.
* Requests footnote:[] → Main library to allow communication from the client to the API.
For every command the argument `-r` is present to set the API's address. It is needed to define if it wasn't previously, otherwise an error is cast with the corresponding message.
To use the API, it is first needed to create a public key to create an organization with the key.
The command `rep_subject_credentials` it is generated a keypair using RSA with a given password and both public and private keys are saved in different files.
==== Creating an Organization
The command `rep_create_org` creates an organization and for it the client must give the file containing his public key in order to create a session afterwards.
==== Creating a session
For the client to use the Authenticated API, the command `rep_create_session` allows the user to create a session and assume an identity. This command also protects information that shouldn't be visible to outsiders when it's being transfered between the client and the server.
To protect the information, the client and the server initiate a Diffie-Hellman footnote:[] key exchange where both create a key pair with the same parameters and share each other their public key to derive with their own private key and obtain a common key which can be used to encrypt and decrypt information between both entities.
[source, python]
generator = 2; key_size = 1024
parameters = generate_parameters(generator, key_size)
private_key, public_key = generate_key_pair(parameters)
response = req.json()
server_public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(bytes.fromhex(response['public_key']))
derived_key = derive_keys(private_key, server_public_key)
If the exchange is succesful, the client will attempt to login using it's private key that should be given when executing this command.