Customize propertiesUses customized blur properties, instead of the ones set in the General page.trueBrightnessThe brightness of the blur effect, a high value might make the text harder to read.brightness_scalecentertrue200pxtruerighthorizontal2brightnessColorChanges the color of the blur. The opacity of the color controls how much it is blended into the blur effect.colorcenterfalse70px45pxtruetrueNoise amountThe amount of noise to add to the blur effect, useful on low-contrast screens or for aesthetic purpose.noise_amount_scalecentertrue200pxtruerighthorizontal2noise_amountNoise lightnessThe lightness of the noise added to the blur effect.noise_lightness_scalecentertrue200pxtruerighthorizontal2noise_lightnessNoticeNoise and color can't be activated on dynamically blurred components, such as this one.020010.